Sydney Wills and Estates Lawyers

Wills and Estates

Planning for the future and getting a head-start on your estate management is an essential consideration for those of all ages and lifestyles. At Pickering Pendleton, we strive to empower our clients and give them peace of mind and a sense of security that their assets and family are properly looked after.

Our team of Wills and Estate lawyers endeavour to understand the priorities and situations of clients to deliver optimal solutions and representation to ensure that final testaments are legally binding and optimally protective of what matters most.

Effective estate planning involves more than simply devising a Will. The intricacies involved in each individual matter should be properly considered and align with all  applicable legal requirements to reflect your expressed wishes. This is to ensure your circumstances in the future do not impact the ones you care for the most.

Matters relating to financial and health management, asset management, testamentary trust establishment, managing superannuation (self-managed or otherwise), and choosing of an executor of a will should be properly considered while you are still of sound mind and have a desire to ensure your final wishes are legally binding and fulfilled in unforeseen circumstances.

Pickering Pendleton has the experience and skills needed to assist in providing you with effective advice and assistance to provide you the peace of mind in relation to any will and estate matter. We work with you to plan, manage, delegate, and record each facet of your estate to ensure that your final wishes are adhered to, and your assets are protected.

Delegation and preparation

Questions of delegation and preparation are considered in relation to:

  • superannuation;

  • life insurance;

  • property assets;

  • financial assets;

  • mortgages and debts;

  • testamentary trusts;

  • Wills;

  • Powers of Attorney;

  • Guardianship;

  • and more. 

These considerations, as well as more personal relevant circumstances, will be taken into account to enable our team to give you the most effective advice relating to your matter. It is important to take on a holistic and detail-oriented approach to ensure there is little room for contestation and error when the time comes to execute.

After all details have been approved by you, our team will ensure that all documents are clearly drafted and legally binding. Remember, although you can change your plan at any time (especially if your circumstances change or vary), it is never advisable to leave your estate without proper direction.

Our expert team of will and estate lawyers help clients draft up and effectively plan for the future. Through careful consideration and understanding, our team breaks down each step of the journey in an easy-to-understand and straightforward manner.

Proper representation - family provision claims

Pickering Pendleton can also assist:

  • executors with managing estate interests (especially in the event of an eligible person seeking to contest a will); and

  • eligible persons who feel that they have not been provided for adequately in making family provision claim.

As your experienced representatives, we will assist in ensuring the most just and equitable outcomes.

We can otherwise assist individuals ahead of time to effectively plan for potential family provision claims to ensure these are addressed as best as possible.

Planning ahead whilst still of sound mind and body is essential for peace of mind and for assurance that your assets and final wishes are adhered to and followed.

Get started on your will and estate planning with Pickering Pendleton today.

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