parenting advice

parenting advice and plans

Coming to a resolution as to the parenting arrangements can be a monumental task. Parents must decide where the children may live and when, time spent with each party and major long-term decisions with respect to children’s lives.

Children thrive with routine, stability and predictability. When parties experience a breakdown in their relationship, it is key that this is what each strive to achieve for their children. If this cannot be accomplished, parties can then consider applying to the Family Courts for intervention.

parenting plan

It is always recommended that any agreement reached with your ex-partner be formally documented. To this end, parenting arrangements can be documented either via a parenting plan or through consent orders.

At first instance, a parenting plan to record the ‘high level’ arrangements between yourself and your ex-partner is strongly advised. While the parenting plan is not binding, it is imperative evidence of a routine for the children if dispute arises and what each party considered to be in the children’s best interest at that time.

To formulate and maintain arrangements for child(ren) through a parenting plan effectively, communication and co-operation is imperative. The Court always seeks to achieve an outcome that is in the best interest of the children, and each parent should be mindful that they always seek and uphold this.

Parenting plans do not need to be prepared by lawyers and can be written-up between parties. When preparing parenting plans, it is important that the plan is dated and signed physically by each party.

Notwithstanding this, as the parenting plan is not binding nor enforceable, the plan cannot be relied upon for a contravention application. This may cause frustration, if co-operation breakdowns. However, parenting plans offer a cost-effective and flexible option for parents.

alternative parenting arrangements

If you prefer to incorporate the parenting arrangements into a document that is binding and enforceable, formal consent orders are required.

Click here for more information regarding consent orders:

Pickering Pendleton is a Sydney family law firm with experienced lawyers who are able assist you and formulate the best course of action for your personal situation. Please contact us for a free 30 minute consultation.